
Applied Economics (Banking and Financial Markets), University of Bath online MSc

When evaluating the various risks of running a company, advising governments, or addressing issues that affect our environment and society, organisations rely heavily on professionals who can provide reliable statistical data, trends, and informed solutions.

Gain the qualitative skills and industry-leading knowledge you need to make sound business decisions with an online MSc in Applied Economics (Banking and Financial Markets) from the University of Bath — the first university in the UK to offer a master’s in applied economics online. The applied economics course is ideal if you are currently a mid-career professional who would like to become an advanced economist or gain a competitive edge in banking or finance.

The University of Bath’s innovative course is designed to ensure that you are prepared to tackle pressing issues such as financial crises, environmental and health problems, infrastructure, supply chain, and numerous other changes that can significantly affect society and the global economy.

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University of Bath
A leading UK university with an international reputation for teaching and research excellence.