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Professional Graduate Certificate in Education at Teesside University

Are you looking to teach in education and training sector educational settings, such as further education colleges, and adult and community settings. The Professional Graduate Certificate in Education at Teesside University is ideal for graduates wishing to teach their degree subject across a range of settings in the education and training sector.

Professional Graduate Certificate in Education at Teesside University

This ProfGradCertEd course is delivered full-time and part-time across a range of colleges in our Teesside University Collaborative Partnership. The full-time course is a pre-service award for those intending to teach in the sector and is offered at Darlington College and Stockton Riverside College. The full-time award, delivered at Stockton Riverside College, is specifically for those wanting to be adult literacy or numeracy specialists. The part-time award is offered at Darlington College, Hartlepool College of Further Education and Stockton Riverside College. The part-time course is available as an in-service award if you are currently employed in teaching or training in the sector. If you are not in a paid teaching post, a pre-service part-time route is available, but you must be able to find your own teaching practice.
Both full-time and part-time routes cover a range of topics including planning and assessment, theories and principles for enabling learning, curriculum design and development plus being a professional in the sector. You study specialist modules if you choose to follow the literacy or numeracy subject-specialist programme. Your award title on qualification will also reflect your chosen specialist route rather than the generic award title. You also attend two full-day conferences alongside trainees from across the partnership.

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